- damask
- dawn
- delicacy
- destiny
- desuetude Disuse.
- diaphanous Filmy.
- diffuse Spread out, not focused or concentrated.
- dulcet Sweet, sugary.
- ebullient Bubbling with enthusiasm.
- effervescent Bubbly.
- efflorescence Flowering, the opening of buds or a bloom.
- elixir A good potion.
- elysium Any place or state of perfect happiness; paradise.
- emollient A softener.
- encomium A spoken or written work in praise of someone.
- inglenook The place beside the fireplace.
- enthusiasm
- ephemeral Short-lived.
- epicure A person who enjoys fine living, especially food and drink.
- epiphany A sudden revelation.
- erstwhile At one time, for a time.
- eschew To reject or avoid.
- esculent Edible.
- esoteric Understood only by a small group of specialists.
- eternity
- ethereal Gaseous, invisible but detectable.
- etiolate White from no contact with light.
- evanescent Vanishing quickly, lasting a very short time.
- explosion
- extravaganza
- exuberant Enthusiastic, excited.
- fantastic
- fawn
- felicitous Pleasing.
- fescue A variety of grass favored for pastures.
- flabbergasted
- flip-flop
- foudroyant Dazzling.
- fragile Very, very delicate.
- freedom
- fugacious Running, escaping.
- fuselage
- galaxy
- gambol To skip or leap about joyfully.
- gazebo
- giggle
- glamour Beauty.
- golden
- gorgeous
- gossamer The finest piece of thread, a spider's silk.
- gothic
- grace
- gracious
- gum
- halcyon Happy, sunny, care-free.
- harbors of memory
- hen-night
- hiccup
- hilarious
- hippopotamus
- hodgepodge
- home
- hope
- hush
- hymeneal Having to do with a wedding.
damask- isn't that synonymous with Old Spice? And if so...I'm sorry. Not beautiful.
ebullient and effervescent - both point back to bubbly- I can't help but love the happiness that both of these words provide. Celebrate!
efflorescence- Hands down...one of my favorite words of all time. To bloom is to grow in the most beautiful of ways.
elysium- Absolute happiness...I have to say the letter E is rocking my world.
inglenook- Besides this word being awesome as it describes "the place next to the fireplace" which I would call the floor, or the wall- I am pretty sure that it doesn't start with E.
esoteric- so this word is reserved for only a small group of specialists, but is that the definition or is this special force of "esoteric" gurus the only people that hold the key to understanding it?
fugacious- Spell check doesn't like this one, but to escape...ahhh, lovely!
halcyon- A bright spot in my day.
hymeneal- What in the world? This is something having to do with a wedding...I'm concerned. This seems a little graphic for the wedding party. Yikes!
1 comment:
You know what my favorite word has always been?
I don't know why but I am always intrigued by this word. It's such a beautiful word for a place you go to drop a load. Hmmm . . .
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