One of my best friends growing up, had a very strict family. The youngest of eight children, I remember that we would get in trouble for being "silly". I know, young girls are suppossed to be giggly, bad joke makers and crazy balls of pent up energy...not in this house!
It was almost regarded as a sin to be silly in this home.
I remember when our "fun" level would rise above hushed laughter and break into a giggle fest, we would get the bark from downstairs, "Girls, stop being silly! I mean it!"
This always struck me as strange. It was as if being "silly" was synonymous with swearing or smoking cigarettes behind the garage. We were just being dumb, all out, ridiculous- I considered it a rite of passage- being silly is a mild, normal, funny, snot-flinging, snort inducing, tear-jerking fun fest- and is something to be honored.
So in the spirit of embracing our inner silly, I wanted to post this.
I think that there is something about ridiculous words and phrases that can light up any day. A couple of words that I know when glued to any other, create a stream of nonsensical mouth candy. These two "stand outs" are the word Silly and the word Pants.
Those two words used before, after or in between create a smorgasbord of hilarity. Here are a few of my favorites, feel free to use them at the most inappropriate or appropriate times (note: not every single morsel of amuse contains the word silly or pants, that would just be overkill, and not every single morsel of amuse....amuses.) :
Silly Slaps
Hoop it up (not to be confused with whoop it up)
Plumpy Pants
Sack of Silly
Pants Party
Felling pantsy?
Silly Rabbit, Pants are for Pigs
Ball of Fun
Slippery Slip
Plastic Pants
Old Candiddy
Pardon my pants
Silly Septum
Slap it to me
Slap the Pants off that
Silly McSillerson
Pack of Pants
and of course :
image courtesy of :sillygirldesign.com
1 comment:
Being giggly young girls in my house growing up was not a "sin" per say, but if it did reach a level of loudness my Dad would always say in his sweet but you-know-he-meant-business voice "Girls! Girls! Settle down!"
I never understood it. I think all the noise just made him anxious.
Either way, your story reminded me of him. To this day, when my sister and I get a little loud and laugh until we cry, my Dad is right there with us to a point...and then it's "Girls! Girls! Come on now! Settle down!"
I guess some people just can't handle it.
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