I make my own salad dressing.
As a retired personal trainer, yes, it was a long lived career- I used to watch every single condiment, protein, carb, calorie etc. Run 20 miles a week and lift at least 2-3 times.
Since I have hung up my ACE certified badge and threw out my S.O.A.R business cards (go ahead and laugh, but it was either that or Miss Fit Training...), I still am pretty good about the diet thing, but I give myself more freedom than I used to, and surprisingly all those fears surrounding "real food" and a day away from the gym have dissipated and I am a better, more well rounded, less obsessive, less critical version of myself.
But this blog is not about that. This blog is about this:
My salad dressing recipe:
2 TBSP of Olive Oil/Flax seed oil
4 TBSP Balsamic Vinegar
1/4 TSP Chopped Garlic
1 shake of Chili Pepper Flakes
Dash of Sea Salt
1 packet of Splenda
And while this recipe won't win any awards, (Although if I am honest I hi-jacked it from Piatti Ristorante in Seattle and plugged in my healthy substitutes) I am using it as a segue into writing about realtionships. Here we go, watch closely, here comes the curve. I have to warn you it's a stretch.
Whenever I make this salad dressing, it's the separation of the two main ingredients, the vinegar and the oil, that always makes me wonder why these two seemingly incompatible ingredients somehow go together so well.
They don't mix and become one with the other, they keep their own identity, but they co-exist. They are a perfect match to each other, and yet, by definition, opposites.
When the vinegar and the oil get shaken up, for a few moments they become one.
You see where I am going with this, right?
For the single gal, it is a guideline for looking for the right guy. He shouldn't demand that you change who you are to be the same as him. He should see your differences as unique unto you. You can be together, but separate in identity. I can not tell you how many times I have turned from oil into vinegar for guys that demanded it. You take oil away from vinegar or vice versa and you get an ingredient that can't stand on it's own.
For the girl in a relationship, this gives us hope. Sometimes it seems like we just don't get along, or that we come from two different worlds. Which in fact we do. The good news is that one's weakness is the others strength. And when things get shaken up, you rely on the other- and when the dressing is freshly shaken that's when the true flavors emerge. That's the good stuff.
The bottom line?
This recipe is a great lo-cal option for salad dressing.
And a thin atempt at giving a deeper meaning to my only psuedo-original recipe by trying to tie it to relationship advice.
It's Friday people....my brain is done.
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