- nebulous Foggy.
- nevermore
- niveous Snowy, snow-like.
- nobility
- obsequious Fawning, subservience.
- odalisque A concubine in a harem.
- oeuvre A work.
- offing That part of the sea between the horizon and the offshore.
- oi
- oleander
- onomatopoeia The creation of words by imitating sound.
- oriole
- paean A formal expression of praise.
- palimpsest A manuscript written over one or more earlier ones.
- panacea A complete solution for all problems.
- panoply A complete set.
- paradox
- passion
- pastiche A mixture of art work (art or music) from various sources.
- pavement
- peace
- peccadillo A peculiarity.
- peek-a-boo
- pelagic Related to the sea or ocean.
- penumbra A half-shadow, the edge of a shadow.
- peregrination Wandering, travels.
- petrichor The smell of earth after a rain.
- plethora A great quantity.
- porcelain A fine white clay pottery.
- potamophilous Loving rivers.
- propinquity An inclination or preference.
- pumpkin
- pyrrhic Victorious despite heavy losses.
- quintessential The ultimate, the essence of the essence.
- rainbow
- redolent Sweet-smelling.
- renaissance
- rhapsody A beautiful musical piece.
- riparian Having to do with the bank of a river or other body of water.
- ripple A small, circular wave emanating from a central point.
- rosemary
- scintillate To sparkle with brilliant light.
- sempiternal Forever and ever.
- sentiment
- seraglio Housing for a harem.
- serendipity Finding something while looking for something else.
- shenandoah
- shipshape
- smashing
- smile
- smithereens
- soliloquy Dramatic speech intended to give the illusion of unspoken reflections.
- sophisticated
- summer afternoon
- sunflower
- sunshine
- surreptitious Sneaky
- susurrus Producing a hushing sound, like flowing water.
- sweetheart
- sycamore
- symbiosis Interdependence of two different species.
- syzygy The direct opposition of two heavenly bodies.
niveous- snow-like? I love how there are words in the English language that are "like" something else that would be more obvious to use. This word in a sentence would look something like, "Hey, Mandy it's snowy out here!" "Tiffany, (insert eye roll here) you mean niveous...my goodness Mandy. Get literate."
odalisque- do we really need another word for concumbine? I think one word pretty much covers it.
oi- sweet.
oleander- A poisonous Eurasian evergreen shrub (Nerium oleander) having fragrant white, rose, or purple flowers, whorled leaves, and long...charm is deceitful and beauty is vain.
panopoly- A complete set, I need a panopoly of socks. Mismatching is only funny when you don't have to wear mismathcing work socks to the gym. Dork alert.
potamophilous- "loving rivers"....this is funny to me- I wonder what the word is for those who hate rivers, antipotamophilous? Sounds like a Greek surname.
pyrrhic- "victorious despite heavy losses"...I wish I knew how to pronounce this word, because when you have no idea what to say to someone who is dealing with deep loss, this would be perfect.
scintillate- in other words...a sun-soaked Edward Cullen...(To sparkle with brilliant light)
seraglio- "Housing for a harem"? What is up with this list, concubine, harem... what's the dealio?
smithereens- like confetti, yippee!
susurrus- "Producing a hushing sound, like flowing water." Just saying this word sounds like shhhhhhhhh...this cracks me up. This word is a yoga video in and of itself.
syzygy- The direct opposition of two heavenly bodies- hmm...like Jolie and Pitt? *dumb pun intended
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