Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Most Beautiful Words in the English Language Part. 3

  1. if
  2. imbricate To overlap to form a regular pattern.
  3. imbroglio An altercation or complicated situation.
  4. imbue To infuse, instill.
  5. incipient Beginning, in an early stage.
  6. ingénue A naïve young woman.
  7. inspissate To thicken.
  8. inure To jade.
  9. jejune Dull; childish.
  10. jonquil
  11. kangaroo
  12. lagniappe A gift given to a customer for their patronage.
  13. lagoon A small gulf or inlet in the sea.
  14. languor Listlessness, inactivity.
  15. lassitude Weariness, listlessness.
  16. laughter The response to something funny.
  17. liberty
  18. lilt To move musically or lively, to have a lively sound.
  19. lithe Slender and flexible.
  20. lollipop
  21. loquacious Talkative.
  22. love
  23. lovely
  24. lullaby
  25. luminous
  26. luxuriant Thick, lavish.
  27. marigold
  28. meandering
  29. mellifluous Sweet-sounding.
  30. melody
  31. mignonette
  32. missive A message or letter.
  33. mist
  34. moiety One of two equal parts, a half.
  35. moment
  36. mondegreen A misanalyzed phrase.
  37. mother
  38. murmuring
  39. myrrh
if- I absolutely agree that this is one of the most amazing words in the English Language. It creates endless possibilities for anyone who chooses to believe that anything can happen if you believe.
ingenue- This drums up an image of innocence. Which, "innocent" by the way, didn't make the "I" list! Hmmm...not happy about that.
kangaroo- another discrepancy with this list....there is no other K words listed?? What about kryptonite, kabob, kaleidoscope, kamikaze, karma, Kauai, kazoo.....? You get the point. K words are just too much fun to not include.
lagoon- this word is a languid retreat into the depths of cool water- ahhhhhhhhh. While, in the dead of winter this may not seem so refreshing, it is a great mental escape for those of us in cement prisons, shackled by our Macs and to-do lists.
lilt- rock on.
love- over-used and misunderstood? Yes. But, this word is our soul's most powerful component. It captures a snapshot of heaven in this fallen world when we actually get it right. Awe-inspiring.
lollipop- yummy.
mignonette- Anything that makes me feel like I can speak french is beautiful in my book. Vinegar and shallots anyone?
moment- If anything can change in one of these, bring it on!
mother- we all have one...and some of the lucky ones can make this word synonymous with best friend.

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