I have had this image in my mind for a few days now.
A little girl in a plaid jumper with braided pigtails is pulling on her mommy's apron. Her face is thoughtfully twisted in an expression of puzzlement over an equation way beyond her ability to solve. And the mother looks down with understanding eyes. The child with wide blue eyes can not resist innocently, curiously and poignantly stuttering, "B-b-but, WHY?"
I feel like this little girl. When we were young it was expected and encouraged that we ask why of everything and anything. When we get older, I am not sure if we ask why enough. Sometimes we get caught up in the flow of life and we just go where the wind leads. How much does intent color the spectrum of our existences? If we are disconnected from our intentions, do our actions lose cause and just become chasing after wind?
I think all of us have a unique shaped key hole in our hearts that can only be unlocked by using the gifts and talents that God has given us to give to others, with the motivation being to bring life and inspiration to those who need encouragement.
It sounds so easy written out in words, right? Just go out there and give of your life to others, unselfishly...well, life makes it difficult for us to live so harmoniously- so selfless. Life makes it difficult to stay true to our intentions and firmly aware of our motivations. Especially for so many of us that have aspirations in the field of arts. Our celebrity obsessed culture tells us we are unsuccessful if we do not have Grammy's, Pulitzer Prizes, Academy Awards and countless other accolades lined up on our mantle displaying our greatness.
Whether that be music, writing, photography, art, or even more vocational callings- nursing, motherhood, receptionists. There is so much of us in what we do, that sometimes we forget that to give is to gain. I am pointing the finger at myself right now and vigorously shaking it.
So much of my daily life is spent in the quiet of everyday responsibility. These dreams and goals that I have for myself are far removed, hanging in the abstract of my normalcy.
I find I am most fulfilled when I am giving of my time, investing in others, stepping outside of selfish ambition. Which I never do enough of. Chasing after my wants because I think I deserve something more than the blessed life I am living right now always leaves me deflated and discouraged.
If we were all made to do something, then shouldn't we ask ourselves periodically, "But why?"
Even though you may know without a shadow of doubt what you were made to do, and what you should be doing with your life, it can only help if we humble ourselves, quiet ourselves, and stare our hearts down and ask the why question honestly...
Finding out WHY I desire a certain path for my life, makes getting there more destiny and less simply, me.
Photo Courtesy of LeLe Green Photagraphy
1 comment:
Thanks for referencing my work on you blog. It means a lot. Everything you write is so eloquent and thoughtful. I really enjoying stopping by.
I think any time I ask "But why?" I always know the answer. But why? Because I want to be happy. I want to put a smile on peoples faces. I want to feel like I have done some good in someone's life.
I don't know if photography is what I was meant to do. I do know, however, that God has given me a talent and whether it's his purpose for me some how or not, I'm am positive that it's something he likes me doing. Why? Well, it makes us both happy. The Lord is happy when you are. I am thankful every time I snap a beautiful picture. I am thankful that through all of my falls in my faith, that God has found a way into my heart permanently through photography.
Ha! "But why?" is God's test for us.
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