1. The "bob" made a comeback and I had two hairdressers tell me it wouldn't work on me. Turned down for a haircut? Talk about rejection.
2. Pam and Jim got engaged on The Office. I know they are fictitious characters and in real life they probably can not stand each other- but they shine a light into my heart every time their mundane lives get oh so romantical.

3. Barack Obama claims the presidency, and we all felt hope for the first time in a long time. Pray that the change he brings is the change this nation so desperately needs.

4. Twilight, my favorite series was made into a movie- where I sat sandwiched between teen mothers with crying babies and hysterical tweens. It was awesome. And despite the whole immaturity of the scene, I found myself totally swooning over Edward. Who doesn't like romance between humans and vampires? Sticks in the mud that's who.

5. My favorite Australian actor, Heath Ledger passed away. While death is inevitable when someone goes that young it makes death seem so random, so jarring- and sometimes so unfair.

6. The recession. My Lord, what can I say...banks going out of business, foreclosures at an all time high, lay-offs, crime rates increasing, businesses failing left and right. The stock market crashing, and yet we are all still here- fighting to make it through, and hoping that 2009 is that first step to governmental reconciliation.

7. Britney's back. Ok....I know, how pathetic. Who cares about some coked up mom who got her kids taken away and handed over to their tatted, oily, "womanizer" dad, while proceeding to flash the public her womanhood, shave her head, and astonish us with her bad taste? Well...I do. I like her music, and I think deep down she's a good southern gi

8. I moved to Nashville, TN and put down some roots. There is something to be said for taking a chance in life and actually following through. The rest is just details-