Its a blink
a passing through
A whisper of a smile
fading to blue
A flicker of memories,
A fade out of sound
It's a slow rise to fall,
A short flight to ground
Capture each moment
a fictitious firefly
Glow like the dawn
Until the dew dries
Its a world of not
Not of this world
It's a paper plane
A ribbon to curl
Stay in my hand
so as to feel the flutter
a heartbeat of a dream
a word from a stutter
I can't keep it up
the race to the page
where the words drop off
and I am replaced
By a quiet hum
a drilling of a drum
a nothing in place
of an average of sums
A bright spot I find
and rub it to gold
knowing that work
is a life that I sold
Keep in mind
Its not all the same
Some days are good
this one's a game
Back and forth
on a checkered board
Two steps behind
a ring of a chord
Twist me up
in a bundle of okay
Since that is the goal
from day to day
It's not about hills
It's not about depth
it's not about losing
or keeping my breath
It's all for the song
the one chorus I create
a symphony of small hums
a rhythmic, swift gait
Breaking out
Some day I will
Freely be sweeping
the lands that I fill
Exhausting the path
dusting the shelf
It's all just a matter
of making oneself
Laundry is Listless
But chores make change
Consistently resistant
God take me away
To a place of ever sunset
to a home of never alone
to a place of rest
And of peace for my soul
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